Past retired personnel who were members when they retired will pay 75% at the June Retirement Banquet Dinner. Current building representatives and committee chairpersons will receive 1 complimentary ticket to the June Annual Banquet.(12/10/90, 12/12/94. 1/11/99, 4/11/05, 6/12/06, 2/13/12, removed 1/9/17)- All current officers, the newly elected officers of the Association, and the Social
and ElectionsChairs willreceive 2 complimentary ticketsbe invited to theLMEA Spring BanquetLMEA Annual Dinner for Retirees. (12/10/90, 12/12/94, 2/8/99, 11/18/02, 3/10/08, 3/13/17) School Board members and the Superintendent will each be given two tickets to the June Annual banquet.(2/13/95, 2/8/99, 11/18/02, Removed 1/8/07)- The awarding of an appropriate gift at the time of retirement will be limited to current members of LMEA. (1/14/91, 5/9/95, 3/8/99, 11/18/02, 3/10/08, 3/13/17)
- When held in person the LMEA Executive Council meetings shall begin at 4:00 pm; when held via video-conferencing (Zoom or similar) meetings will begin at 4:15 pm. (2/11/91, 5/9/95, 2/8/99, 1/10/05, 11/16/09, 3/13/17, 5/8/23)
- Whenever possible, General Membership meetings of the LMEA shall be held at the LMEA Office, the LMHS or Harriton Gymnasium, the LMHS or Harriton Cafeteria, or the LMHS or Harriton Auditorium. (2/11/91, 10/9/95, 1/20/00, 1/4/02, 2/9/04, 9/13/04, 11/16/09, 3/13/17)
Neither the Professional nor the Supportive staffs will accept a contract unless the other group does also.(3/11/94, - Removed 10/9/95, strike-through 1/4/02)- When an Association member dies while in service, a memorial gift will be made to any organization or charity designated by the family. (3/11/91, 12/11/95, 1/20/00, 11/18/02, 3/10/08, 3/13/17)
- The LMEA shall provide two scholarships through the LM Scholarship Fund, one for a Harriton High School student and one for a Lower Merion High School student in the amount of $1000. (11/11/91, 12/11/95, 3/8/99, 11/18/02, 3/10/08, 3/13/17)
- Minutes will list schools/departments not represented at Executive Council meetings. (11/11/91, 6/10/96, 1/20/00, 1/10/05, 11/16/09, 3/13/17)
- Minutes of the LMEA General Membership and Executive Council meetings and copies of the Apple core will be posted on . (12/12/91, 6/10/96, 3/8/99, 1/4/02, 2/9/04, 11/16/09, 3/13/17)
- The LMEA may participate in the promotion of the Bloodmobile drive. (12/9/91, 2/10/97, 6/11/01, 1/8/07, 2/11/13, 4/17/17)
- The contingency funds may be used only for emergency situations relating to legal and negotiable matters and capital expenditures. With the approval of Executive Council, the contingency funds may also be used for other Association needs. The interest from these accounts may be used to pay the honorariums of the officers and paid chairs. (2/10/92, 2/10/97, 5/12/97, 6/11/01, 1/8/07, 2/11/13, 4/17/17)
- Paid clerical help shall be provided for the membership, negotiations, and all other committees when necessary. Paid clerical help shall first be sought from Association members, present and past. (2/10/92, 3/10/97, 6/11/01, 1/8/07, 2/11/13, 4/17/17)
- All new members of the LMEA shall be required to pay their dues by payroll deduction unless they pay in lump sum. Current members will not be allowed to switch from payroll deduction unless such member sends to the treasurer by September 30th a check for the total dues for the year, in which case any dues already deducted will be refunded. (4/6/92, 3/10/97, 1/4/02, 4/14/08, 5/8/17)
- Members who attend regional, state, or national meetings, conferences or conventions as representatives of the LMEA will be asked to submit a report, as individuals or as a group, to the next Executive Council meeting. (4/6/92, 5/12/97, 6/11/01, 1/8/07, 2/11/13, 4/17/17)
- The Lower Merion Education Association neither recommends nor encourages gifts by students to staff members. (3/13/00, 1/10/05, 12/12/11, 4/17/17)
- All LMEA members, who do not complete a contract year, except in the case of death of the member, shall be responsible for the full payment of LMEA dues for that complete year. Payment of PSEA and NEA dues shall be in compliance with the policies of the PSEA and NEA. (3/12/90, 9/14/93, 1/12/97, 1/4/02, 4/14/08, 5/8/17)
- The dues of all officers of the Association will be paid by the Association during their term of office (Sept. 1 to Aug. 31). (3/12/90, 6/14/93, 11/17/97, 1/4/02, 2/11/13, 4/17/17)
- Officers and committee chairs listed below shall be compensated. Compensation will be made in four installments on the last business day of November, February, May, and August. Compensation shall be increased by the percentage increase at the maximum level of the professional salary schedule when such increases occur. (1/16/85, 5/12/88, 5/14/90, 5/13/91, 9/14/93, 5/10/95, 5/13/96, 12/14/98, 6/11/01, 1/8/07, 2/11/13, 4/17/17)
The LMEA will participate in the Staff Development Committee only if an LMEA co-chair is appointed.(11/14/88, 12/12/88, 3/12/90, 6/14/93, 11/17/97, 1/4/02, 4/14/08, strikethrough 5/8/23)- Representation for the Transportation department on Executive Council will be determined proportionately in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Lower Merion Education Association, with the members located at Harriton High School, Lower Merion High School and Matson Ford depot identified as separate. (3/12/90, 6/14/93, 11/16/98, 6/14/99, 11/18/02, 2/13/12, 5/8/17)
- The Association will follow the written guidelines established for PR&R. (1/11/88, 3/12/90, 4/12/97, 1/4/02, 2/11/13, 4/17/17)
- The LMEA will not participate in the nominating process for any Teacher of the Year Program. (5/9/88, 5/14/90, 4/12/97, 1/4/02, 2/13/12, 5/8/17)
- Any check or monies drawn upon LMEA accounts must be signed by the Treasurer and one of the following: President or a Vice President. (1/10/89, 2/13/89, 5/14/90, 11/8/93, 1/12/98, 2/9/04, 2/13/12, 5/8/17)
- Meal allowance for LMEA/PSEA/NEA business travel is set at $100.00 per day. (3/13/89, 5/14/90, 11/8/93, 1/18/96, 11/16/98, 11/18/02, 10/10/05, 12/12/11, 5/8/17, 5/8/23)
- A phone will be provided for the President for Association business. All expenses for this phone shall be assumed by the Association. (6/8/81, 3/12/90, 2/14/94, 12/14/98, 2/9/04, 12/12/11, 5/8/17)
- The LMEA
willpresent anannualaward to honor a person and/or organization whose contribution to the betterment of public education in the Lower Merion community has made a significant impact. (The full statement of the award follows and shall be included as part of the Policies and Practices of the LMEA.) “Since 1987 the LMEA has bestowed the Friend of Education award to a person whose leadership, acts, and support in the Lower Merion community has proven that person to be a true friend of public education, educators, and students.” (3/11/91, 2/14/94, 1/12/98, 1/20/00, 1/10/05, 2/11/13, 4/17/17, 5/8/23) - Any excess operating funds from the previous budget year shall be placed in the LMEA Contingency Fund. Excess funds may be designated for other purposes if specific action is taken by the Executive Council. (6/13/94, 10/12/98, 2/9/04, 12/12/11, 5/8/17)
- An officer of the Association serving as a Chair of the CNC or the PR&R Committees shall receive one compensation from the Association for his/her work. The compensation shall be set at the highest figure of the two positions. (11/11/91, 6/13/94, 1/12/98, 2/9/04, 12/12/11, 5/8/17)
The LMEA shall pay only the initial legal fees of support professionals in need of legal services with all additional legal and related costs to be the responsibility of the individual members unless other action is taken by the Executive Council. (11/11/91, 10/10/94, Removed 10/12/98strikethrough 1/10/05)The LMEA shall contribute no more than $500.00 per year to support student organization solicitations for publication advertising. This money will be allocated on a first come basis with Executive Council approval.The LMEA shall make charitable contributions to support student and community organizations with the permission of executive council. (9/20/93, 10/10/94, 12/14/98, 2/9/04, strikethrough and revision 2/11/13, 4/17/17)- All professional employees who take a leave of absence without pay that begins anytime after the opening of the school year and concludes after the end of the school year, shall have their remaining dues deducted from the last pay that they receive. Payment schedules will be arranged if needed. (2/14/94, 6/10/96, 1/4/02, 2/11/13, 5/8/17)
- Three bids must be presented to Executive Council for expenditures for building improvements at 306 Parsons Ave. that exceed $2500. Executive Council shall approve such expenditures except in emergencies. (1/10/05, 12/12/11, 5/8/17)
- The chairperson for the Sunshine Committee is responsible for the sending of gifts, flowers, and fruit as needed according to the guidelines below. Contact with each of the secretaries in each building or division should be maintained to keep all notifications up to date. 1. Card sent to any member after five (5) days of absences. 2. Flowers or gifts sent to any member in case of major illness or accidents after fifteen (15) days of absence. ($60.00) 3. Flowers, fruit, or contributions sent to family upon the death of a member, a member’s immediate family, or death of a current LMSD student. ($60.00) 4. Card sent to member when married. 5. Card sent to member upon birth of a child. 6. Card sent to family upon the death of a retired member. 7. Any other occasion deemed necessary as approved by the officers. Card shall be cards purchased from the Lower Merion Township Scholarship Fund. (3 for $25).” (10/10/05, 2/11/13, 5/8/23)